Usenet, the MacroOrganism

Robert Holder (
Tue, 24 Nov 92 08:40:10 EST

pardon me again, but I'm trying to understand the significance
of the argument about whether Usenet can be talked about as
having general characteristics or not. Also, what is the
significance (to the non-Usenet admin, the outsider, like me)
of the assertion that Usenet is the result of lots of people
working in non-syncronization? It seems to me that I came in
late and missed something.

If everyone decides to agree and form a consensus (sp?) on
these issues, what then? Alternatively, if the argument is never
settled, what are the consequences? The way the discussion
is going it sounds like something important is being debated but
I can't figure out what it is.

your personal pal,
robert h

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