Re: MacroOrganism

Eli Brandt (ebrandt@jarthur.Claremont.EDU)
Tue, 8 Dec 92 18:47:53 PST

> where is the intelligent conversation going?

Unfortunately, intelligent conservation is not conserved -- it may
not be going anywhere but the Great Bit Bucket in the Sky, if there
is no home for it. I've only been on the net for a few years, but I
can't say that I've seen a noticeable increase in crud. Maybe I
just missed the entire *era* of intelligent conversation. Such an
increase may have occurred but been obscured by my dropping silly
groups, learning how to use a kill file ("liberally"), and getting a
threaded newsreader.

Unfortunately, most mailing lists aren't much better. A few I'm on
are high-quality. Many are dead. Some are mediocre, certainly no
better than good newsgroups. Some are lousy, and I wish their
maintainers would read their -request mail.

I don't know what it takes to make a good forum, but I can testify
that a few million participants isn't it.

> - tom

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