Paul's message

From: Peter Ross (
Date: Wed Aug 27 1997 - 13:02:02 PDT

         RE: Re-dizzy
         Mon, 25 Aug 1997 00:59:20 +0000 (GMT)
         "Paul O. Jacobs, M.D. 31 5884|(503)571-5884"
         Peter Ross <>

*Paul sent this note to me, but I think he meant for everyone to see it,
so here it is. Peter*

   Hi All:
        As a physician I can lend some physiological underpinnings to
   question of dizziness. This is due to changes in the blood chemistry,
   and CO2 content that results from blowing out too much too fast,
   in and repeating the process repetitively such that the carbon
   level in the lungs and secondarily in the blood falls. These changes
   result in some alteration of vascular tone and blood flow within the
   and voila!...dizzy! Peter Ross hit it on the nose when he suggested
   narrowing of the stream of air. This would reduce the rate of
   of C02 and prevent these physiological changes from occurring.
      Paul Jacobs, Portland ORv

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