Re: [Shaku] My Garage Band experiment

From: Al Skaar (
Date: Wed Apr 07 2004 - 16:46:10 PDT

I just got a copy of Garage Band. What setup are you using to add your
own track? And thanks for sharing your experiment!

- Al

On Apr 7, 2004, at 4:56 PM, Rob McNeil wrote:

> Hi Fellow Shakjocks,
> Anyone else playing around with Garage Band yet? (Apple iLife
> application). My little experiment seems to be going well. At least it
> is helping me to play more and listen better. My teacher, says I am
> playing better - more in tune and getting the rhythm more right, more
> often. I am playing the beginner classical pieces now. I just got an
> LP of the internet and had it changed over to a CD. It's an ensemble
> playing classical pieces. I put it into iTunes, then loaded a few
> pieces into Garage Band. Then I added myself playing a second shak
> part. It's difficult but not impossible. The best part is I can go
> line by line until I get it right. Anyone else trying anything like
> this? I'd love to hear other techniques. If you think this is not the
> place for this discussion email me off line.
> Thanks,
> Rob McNeil
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