[Shaku] Ronnie and Cost of Education

From: Brian Ritchie (brianritchie@mac.com)
Date: Sun Mar 13 2005 - 22:21:50 PST

 Hi Listers,

Away from the computer for a few days only to confront this diarrheal torre=
nt of idiocy. Thanks.=20

Luckily Ronnie Seldin (NOT Seldon) has a terrific self deprecating sense of=
 humor which will certainly come in handy at this point. =20

Here we have somebody who readily admits he's not willing to accept respons=
ibility for his own musical education (obviously under his own control) tur=
ning around and ridiculing a shakuhachi sensei for a genetic problem not un=
der his control. Grow up and learn something about science and health. Ronn=
ie has tried diet and exercise. Anyway it's none of your business and certa=
inly inappropriate in this forum. Ronnie is one of the people most responsi=
ble for introducing shakuhachi to the west. Reading this crap makes me wond=
er if that was a good idea.=20

If you don't think teachers should charge, then don't study. People will he=
ar your lack of dedication in your playing. If you don't think the shakuhac=
hi festivals should cost anything then don't attend. The people who make sa=
crifices to attend (which means every student and every teacher) won't miss=
 you. Riley is right when he says there is no way to repay our teachers. Th=
e money is a formality which can't compensate for the knowledge dispensed. =
Everybody on this list has money, or probably they wouldn't have computers.=
 How they spend it is a matter of priority. I know a guy who moved out of h=
is apartment and started living in his car so that he could afford to buy a=
 good shakuhachi. Having a good flute was his priority. Your priorities are=
 yours. There is no need to share them with the list. It's unreasonable to =
say that because it is not your priority to spend money on shakuhachi or le=
ssons that makers and teachers should give them to you for free. Instead of=
 saying "I can't afford lessons" why not just tell the truth. You don't wan=
t to spend the money you have on lessons. You want to spend it on other thi=

We've reached the tipping point where people coming to this list to learn a=
bout shakuhachi are instead going to get turned off from it.=20



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