Re: [Shaku] drying culms

From: John Baker (
Date: Mon May 09 2005 - 13:03:25 PDT

--- JASON CASTNER <> wrote:
> John, What does this mean? U wouldnt play the
> flute?
> If I had to make my own
> > flutes, I probably would not play.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > John Baker
> >


It means I live in the city, work full time & have no
interest in craft work. I find it easier to make
money and buy things than to make them. If I had to
make things I would do without them.

I am grateful to craft workers who sell their things.
I like the artists and I like their products. I also
buy CDs and books. I suppose I could make my own, but
I prefer to buy. The thousands of musicians and
authors present me with a wide choice & I don't mind
the price. At a time when salaries were under $10.00
per week, a Haynes Flute cost $150.00 & a single-sided
record cost $1.00

I own shakuhachi from two makers and I enjoy the
fantasy I purchased with the flutes. I know that
makers put years of experience into the flutes I have.
 I do not want to do the work to pile up years of
experience. The experience is valuable to me & I
don't mind paying for the experience and the fantasies
I have about the experience. My fantasies about the
makers are more interesting to me than fantasies about
zen, komuso, ronin, enlightenment and other imaginary


John Baker

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