Re: [Shaku] Embouchure, sound, exercise

From: Stav Tapuch (
Date: Fri May 13 2005 - 14:05:02 PDT

Some of the suggestions here to improve your sound seem so technical - open
your throat, move your lips just so, align the teeth, lower the jaw, expand
or do not expand the cheeks...

and others are very intuitive, or emotional: imagine the sound you want.
Sing, in your head, the sound you wish to produce, and so on.

Over the past three years my sound has improved a lot, but I honestly do not
know why my sound is improving. As far as I can tell I am doing the exact
same thing, but with much better results.

This has left me very skeptical towards the technical approach towards
development. There was no single tip that made be sound better, I am just
blowing and blowing and blowing all the while wishing for a better sound,
and, eventually, I began to sound better...

Do the different approaches help towards working against different obstaces?
Would be interested in hearing about the relative results people have
experienced with these two contrasting development techniques.


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