Re: [Shaku] The Power of Urushi

From: Perry Yung <>
Date: Tue Jul 17 2007 - 07:28:36 PDT

Hi Bruce, The label on the CORTAID box states: Removes urushiol. Binds the toxins and allows them to be washed off.

Again, I really don't know if it works since I don't get the rash after the urushi polymerizes.

If any rash prone players out there tries it, please let me know if it works.
 Thanks, Perry

>Does anyone out there know if such anti-poison ivy
>products are available in Europe? Or in Japan also?

>From: Perry Yung <>
>I use theCORTAID Brand availabe at CVS and other drugstore chains here
>in the USA. It comes in a box with five packs, each with one large
>disposable wipe. I cut it in half for two usages.

Cortaid is a cortisone-based product, good for healing the rash (or
possible as a prophylactic measure). I don't know how good it would
be at disolving urusiol from the surface of a flute.

My last container of soap was REI brans, but see that they don't
sell it any more. A similar product, Buji Wash, is available at

I wash the entire inside and outside of flutes before venturing



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Received on Tue Jul 17 09:21 PDT 2007

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