[Shaku] Kaoru Kakizakai visit to SF in June/July

From: Young, Karl <karl.young@ucsf.edu>
Date: Tue Mar 16 2010 - 08:30:54 PDT

I wanted to announce that shakuhachi master Kaoru Kakizakai will be visiting San Francisco from June 30th through July 4th. Unless I get requests for workshops we'll go with the individual lesson format exclusively (with of course all students welcome to attend all lessons). I'll take requests for lesson slots from now until his visit but if you are concerned about getting a particular day/time early is probably better re. reserving that.

Kakizakai sensei will have a concert at Phil Gelb's place on Saturday July 3rd. Contact Phil (phil@philipgelb.com) regarding reservations for that. Again early is better as he sold out 2 concerts at Phil's on his last visit. Another reason to attend is that it may be the last concert at Phil's. Sadly for us in the bay area Phil is thinking about relocating which will be a great loss for bay area shakuhachi folks (not to mention us weirdo vegans !).

Cheers and happy blowing,

-- Karl Young _____________________________________________

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