How to Print a File at Home or in a Mac Lab

Task: you have a message in your mail and you want to print it from home or from a micro-computer in one of the labs.

remote machine
the machine where you read your mail (for Comm students, issci1)
local machine
your Mac or PC or the lab micro in front of you.

The steps in this process are:

  1. get into mail
  2. save the appropriate message(s) into a distinct file
  3. download the file from issci1/sdcc4 to your local or home machine.

The Mail End

Get into mail via your favoriate program, and save the message into a separate file.

In mail (not Pine or Elm), the command is:

? s filename
(where "filename" contains only letters, numbers, and periods).

Exit the mail program.

If you use Pine, you have to change directories to the Mail dir with:

% cd Mail

Other users, your file(s) will be in your login directory.

Using Fetch

  1. Find and lauch "Fetch" on your local machine.
  2. When the dialog box appears, enter the requisite information
    (use your own login in place of za12 in the "User ID" box):

  3. Find the file you saved from mail and "Get" it.
  4. Close the connection and quit Fetch
  5. The file is now on your local machine.

To open the Fetched file with Word

If you double-click the file icon for your Fetched file on the Mac, you will get the message: "The application that created this document cannot be found." Instead, drag the icon for the file until it is over the Word icon. When the Word icon changes color (darkens), release the mouse button and the document will be opened with Word. If this doesn't work, open Word as though you were about to create a new document and then, with the File menu or the cloverleaf-o combination, open your transferred document.

(c)Copyright 1985, 1996 by Bruce Jones
Anyone is free to reproduce any of these documents in their entirety or parts thereof providing:
  1. Sections used are reproduced entirely and without alteration
  2. The following page footer is reproduced on each page:
    BJ's UNIX Primer - (c) Bruce Jones - 1985, 1996
  3. Full credit is noted somewhere in the reproduction
Bruce Jones 			Department of Communication			University of California, San Diego
(619) 534-0417/4410		9500 Gilman Drive
FAX (619) 534-7315		La Jolla, Ca. 92093-0503

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This page last updated on: Feb 3 1997