Re: Arachnet

Werner Uhrig (
Tue, 11 Dec 1990 9:30:10 CST

> There was considerable confusion between Usenet (Netnews) and UUCP (email).

there still is.

> Lots of people thought they had a Usenet mailing address. (Some still do.)

they still do.

> It was proposed in late 1981 that Usenet be renamed to avoid the confusion.

biggest mistake not having renamed it and renaming it would still
be the right thing to do (anyway, I put it on my Xmas list ;-)

(funny thing you should mention it - over the weekend I was doing some
neophyte coaching and early this morning I was doing some UUCP/USEnet
related reading adn both gave me reason of deploring that the problem
is still with us)

name suggestions? UmailNet and UnewsNet (no, I don't really like
them, but it beats what we have and I certainly will applaud some-
thing better)


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