Re: Usenet, the MacroOrganism

Eeyore's Evil Twin (
Tue, 24 Nov 92 10:33:26 PST

>Eventually, the backbone cabal more-or-less abdicated.

the phrase "ran screaming into the woods before a crowd of villagers with
torches and pitchforks" comes to mind.

More seriously, the cabal worked for a while. Then it stopped working, and
we tried something else. At the time this seemed like the end of the world
as we knew it, in reality it was evolution in action (the dinosaurs, as they
saw the comet streaking down towards impact, probably reacted similarly.
"Shit. Now we'll never get talk.bizarre rmgrouped before those damn mammals
take over.")

Right now, what we do works. Even stuff like sci.aquarium bent it without
breaking, so it seems to be better than what the Cabal did. Eventually,
it'll probably stop working, and they'll come up with something different
that'll handle whatever usenet is at that point in time.

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