Obviously, I don't have the same viewpoint as you, but I think that
just the fact that the early Usenet history has some not-so-much-fun
periods doesn't make it any less a history.
If you look at the history of radio, you see some pretty rotten tricks
played out between some of the fathers of the field. I'm sure that they
would look back and say that they would rather forget some of it, but
those vary bits help to explain a lot about why things are the way they
are today (ie. FM stereo, and FM audio for TV).
I'm not asking you to regurgitate all those painful memories. Perhaps
record them somewhere with one of those do-not-open-until-I'm-dead kind
of attachments, but at least allow the story to be told at some point.
- tom
Thomas Lapp, | internet: ethics%mvac23@udel.edu
Senior Seminar resource | seminar: @udel.edu:mvac23!ethics
in Newark, DE, USA |
This page last updated on: Jul 1 09:16