BJ's Web Strategies Talk
Other tags, most other tags, do need to be closed.
The general way to tell if a tag needs to be closed is by figuring out where you want the markup to end. In other words, you don't need to close the "strong" tag, used for boldface, if you want your entire document to be in boldface type.
The same thing would be true of the centering tag, "center".
html /html | bgcolor: #ffffff | paragraph | ordered | a href /a |
head /head | link: #0000ff | blockquote /blockquote | un-ordered | img src |
title /title | vlink: #ff0000 | strong /strong | definition | center /center |
body /body | header h1 - /h1 | em /em | table /table | align |
NOTE: Saving HTML source and using the tags and techniques for your own pages is a useful and legitimate way to learn the language and make pages. Downloading images may be a violation of copyright.
Making a "site" as opposed to making a page, is simply a process of building up pages and linking them in a rational fashion. One suggestion here is that you a site map showing the links between each document. This will help you think through the process of figuring out which documents should and do link to which others.
One of the most useful attributes of HTML is that it allows users to control much of the display by setting the browser preferences.
If you pick html tags and attributes that pass control to the user as much as possible, you will have widely readable pages, accessible to the widest range of client software packages and users.
A good test of your pages is to view them with as many different browsers as you can, and under as many different kinds of conditions as possible.
Given that many people on the net are surfing the web from either text-based browsers (like lynx) or behind slow modems, with graphics turned off, it is a good idea to take a look and find out what your site looks like with lynx or with a browser with graphics turned off.
HTML is not a:
If you must exert this kind of control, buy Adobe Acrobat and make pdf documents. Do it right. Don't screw around trying to force the issue with HTML.
Finally, keep your HTML to a minimum. Instead of concentrating on how many tricks you can use, see how sparse you can make your code.
The more "tricks" you use, the more difficult it will be to insure that your site is visible to a wide range of browsers.
The more you try to control the layout of your page(s), the more difficult it will be to insure that your site is visible to a wide range of browsers.
The thing I like best about the web is that web pages are never cast in type or fixed on the page. They are open environments where it is always easy to make changes. This gives them an immediacy that is missing in books.
This quality unfortunately leads people to treat web documents a bit more lightly than they would otherwise.
Ah ... but that's another soapbox.
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