I just found this quote quite interesting! It's a portion of the article "
Toward an Understanding of Shakuhachi Honkyoku", written by Ralph Samuelson.
It was taken from the Journal of the International Shakuhachi Society:
"Stylistic distinctions among schools of shakuhachi are beginning to break
down today as many performers of the young generation study a variety of
traditional and contemporary techniques and repertoires and perform in a
wide variety of musical settings. It is becoming increasingly common for
young players to learn parts of the repertoires and styles from several
different schools, either by going to different teachers or through
recordings, rather than to concentrate fully on the traditions of one
particular ryu. If this trend continues to grow, it is likely that the
depth of traditionality within each school, as well as the distinctions
between them, will disappear altogether in the next generation in favour of
a kind of pan-ryu contemporary shakuhachi style for the 21st century."
Does anyone have any comments?
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