shika no tone

From: ross allen (
Date: Fri Jun 20 1997 - 12:23:18 PDT

Just to get the web site going again, I pose this question.
I have just started to learn how to "play" shika no tone. I have heard that it
is a mating call of the male and female shika. But I have read that the female
shika does not call, only the male does. I have spoken to some Japanese friends
and they have heard that it is the territorial dispute between two males. There
are a number of places where both players have to call on a lot of reserves of
energy. It seems to me that each one is trying to compete in trying to call
louder or with more energy than the other. As I am a student and have not got
the energy levels required, I prefer to think it as a male/female call where
one is loud and the female (student) can be soft. This would suit may playing
as I play with a soft husky and sometimes broken voice. It is a beautiful
piece, but challenges your energy levels. I believe it dates back about 200
years. Ross

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