Re: New Member

From: Ronald Seldin (
Date: Fri Aug 22 1997 - 19:22:38 PDT

Dear Hans,

Rest assured, the dizziness stops!!!...

The good news is that in 25 years of playing and teaching full-time, I've
never heard of anyone fainting from that early dizzy feeling...I believe
that it has something to do with"oxygenation" or the blood rushing away
from (or towards) the head...OK, so I'm not much of a scientist!!!!

And as for Monty's flutes, I wouldn't start a student off with anything
but...They are (in my opinion) the best around...

Good luck on your "path",
Ronnie Nyogetsu Seldin

On Sat, 23 Aug 1997, Hans wrote:

> Hi, you all,
> I'm Hans, a flute teacher from Belgium and in love with the shakuhachi. I also manage a website for flutists, you might want to visit it some time, you'll find some shakuhachi links as well. Maybe sometime I'll make me a shakuhachi homepage too?
> With a colleague, we bought us a student shakuhachi from Monty. And yes, we are absolute beginners, so forgive me if I ask stupid questions. Frank is not yet on the Net, I'll sometimes write something for him.
> Since all of you are probably better than me, I hope to gather very interesting information from this list.
> I now only have 3 books: the Blasdel and Koga manual for beginners, plus a collection of pieces from a book entirely in Japanese, so I can't give you the title or writer.
> Currently I practise about an hour a day. Mainly breathing exercises and easy pieces to get used to the notation and note-range of the instrument. I still get dizzy when playing which makes me practise in 2 half hour shunks. This prevents me from hitting the ground. This dizziness is peculiar, I never get dizzy when playing the flute. Also I manage about 30 seconds of flute playing, but only some 15 seconds on the shakuhachi. I hope time helps here.
> Also, another thing struck me. When beginners play the flute, they encounter a virtual barrier when they reach the middle G and A. I get the same feeling with the shakuhachi. I catch myself playing more stressed when playing the higher kan register from re on.
> The shakuhachi makes me sweat, dizzy, .... and I Iove it !
> From a beginner,
> Kind regards,
> Hans Supply,
> Visit us at : Professional Flute Playing Resources

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