
From: Brian Bagby (bribag@midwest.net)
Date: Fri Jun 16 2000 - 19:26:34 PDT

At 08:34 AM 6/17/00 +1000, Ralf Muhlberger wrote:
>I'd like to learn more about what the different schools are,
>how they relate, and to learn who's who...
>I know that Kinko and Tozan are the main two schools,....

Being new to the shakuhachi myself, I see terms I'm unfamiliar with
concerning schools, styles, techniques, etc.

I found these in a notice about the Summer Camp:
Dokyoku, Meian, Chikuho
Koten (Koden?)
Techniques/styles --- Koro-koro, Tamane, Nezaha

Can anyone help me with definitions, or lead me to a good source?
(Any other terms I'd likely run across??)


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