Re: Continuous brething

From: Shigeru Nakajima (
Date: Tue Jun 19 2001 - 23:59:50 PDT

Hello Mr. Watanabe

Where do you live? If in Japan, you can get much more information in
Japanese Web sites than in this mailing list. So I cannot understand why you
ask here about shakuhachi. Please search in the Web sites using the keyword
"Shakuhachi" in Kanji. You could get a lot of pages. Also if you want to get
something about continuous breathing with shakuhachi, use the keyword
"shakuhachi" and "jyunkan -kokyu" in Kanji, as well. This "and" means
logical "and". If you live in overseas, where? and can your computer display
Japanese characters?


Shigeru Yomei Nakajima
Shakuhachi Brisbane

----- Original Message -----
From: "T.Watanabe" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 2:13 PM
Subject: Continuous brething

> Hellow.
> This is the first time to post my mail.
> I am a Japanese and it is about 30 years since playing shakuhachi.
> After about 20 years of loose association with the instrument, I am now
> becoming deeply concerned with it.
> Recently, I am making effort to play several "Nezasa-ha shakuhachi music"
> in learning by heat mode.
> By the way, are there anyone who can play shakuhachi in
> continuous brething mode, i.e., without punctuating for brething?
> I hope to discuss the way to master the skill.
> Toshi Watanabe

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