> > Let's not forget that the funding for these terrorists comes from oil money
> > and much of the revolutionary fervor that supports this deplorable activity
> > is the result of US involvement in the Middle East in our insatiable thirst
> > for oil...
> >
> Let's also not forget that suspect number 1, Osama Bin Laden, was trained in
> subversive, terrorism-like activities by no other government that our own.
> Let's thank the CIA for training people like this and then letting them
> loose on the world.
"As unimaginable as this tragedy is, we must
all not respond to violence with more
violence in our homes and streets. Trust our
government and the governments of the
world to perform their military duty to
assure our safety in the future. We must be
the peacemakers, the arbiters of differences
and the protectors of goodness. The world
has always been populated by people of the
lower nature and those of a higher nature.
Immature souls, young souls in spiritual
evolution, live in the chakras below the
muladhara, where fear, anger, hatred,
jealousy, confusion, selfishness and
maliciousness without conscience reside."
play banshiki for those souls so violently and suddenly
departed. and daiwagaku for those of us who remain.
om shanti shalom
, bill
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