RE: Shakuhachi Prayer

From: Bud (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 10:04:00 PDT

As a matter of fact, I have tried to do this many times...

I practiced meditation for many years with the Buddhists (Japanese Zen and
Tibetan Vajrayana)...
Through fate and circumstance, I wound up living with the Muslim from
Lebanon and Senegal in Africa and later in a Masjid (Mosque) in Colorado
that was sponsored by the Saudis. I found that many of the Muslim loved and
practiced peace, but that there was a fundamentalist dogmatic element that
was extremely dangerous...

Unfortunately this element was encouraged by our government and trained by
the CIA and others and enlisted in action against Iran, and the Soviet Union
in Afghanistan... the latest two wars are being fought against former
"allies": Sadam Hussein of Iraq and now ben Laden from Saudi Arabia.

I have fallen away from all organized religions, Muslim, Buddhist,
Christian.... my "religious practice" is to sit under a remote tree,
witnessing my breath, and playing the bamboo flute... perhaps a return to
the original primordial religion...

Brett "Bud" Breitwieser ( <> )
please visit my zen site at
zen hermit mailing list:

"To what shall
I liken the world?
Moonlight, reflected
In dewdrops,
Shaken from a crane's bill."

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Bagby []
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 9:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Shakuhachi Prayer
> At 08:00 PM 9/12/01 -0700, Brett Breitwieser wrote:
> >in the words of the Buddha:
> >
> >The worse of the two is he
> >who, when abused, retaliates.
> >One who does not retaliate
> >wins a battle hard to win.
> >
> >Samyutta Nikaya I, 162
> Brett
> Perhaps you could personally pass this on to the abused
> retaliating terrorists?

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