continuing to quote from program prepared for event which
occurred yesterday (2001/09/22) at the New York Buddhist Church
on Riverside Drive in the block south of 106th street
(a.k.a "Duke Ellington Boulevard"(sorry...i couldn't resist)):
"Sponsored by
The Buddhist Council of New York
. "We wish to express our heartfelt sympathy to all people
. who have lost a family member, relative, or friend
. in the horrible carnage on September 11, 2001."
sort of a pilgrimage for me. i ro'd the Long Island Railroad
from Lynbrook to Jamiaca, then Kyorei's my way
from there into the east river tunnel,
arriving at penn station around noon. bought a kodak 27 exposure
camera at the k-mart there. maybe i'll tell the story in
parts as i scan the photos. leave an insert for where a photo
might go if i create a webpage for this. that's my intention altho
i often don't follow thru on what i plan. maybe this time,
"with a little help from my friends", it will have a different
apart from all members of the human family of beings, (the only
ones in the six realms who are capable of resolving karma),
of relevance here (oh ****! i'm getting to serious again!)
continuing to quote from the program:
"Meditative Music: Shakuhachi Fruit "Banshiki"
. --Prayer for the passage of the spirit into the next incarnation-
. by Ronnie Nyogetsu Seldin and Bill Atwood
couple of comments here. "fruit" -- i read this as fruit of the
lotus flower (there is a picture of a lotus at the bottom of the
program - hasty one page affair with a version of Heart Sutra
on the back. lotus the only flower that both blossoms and yields
the seed-bearing fruit at the same time (vs. e.g. cherry blossom...
fruit not come until after blossom fall. death of blossom
before birth of fruit)...catipillar->butterfly same except even
bardo of my my, All The Things You Are
ronnie probably had the more "accurate" view of it, but he
remained silent. let me trip out of "lotus flower fruit"
rather than "Fruit" mistake. "Flute" correction. frankly
i like the "mistake" better. no such thing as an accident?
(2) Ronnie Nyogetsu Seldin - i punted on working the name
issue when i was speaking on the phone with Rev. "T.K."
i said the four names but then gave him ronnie's phone number.
not exactly pontius pilot (sp?) but certainly not getting
involved. driving to the gig ronnie mentioned that some folks
have said he should just bite the bullet and become
Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin. i think that's probably the way
to go too. ronnie's "reason" is possible confusion over
identity...expecting to see japanese face and "In Walks Bud"
[href some T.Monk/BudPowell footnote]. hey, i went on this
cruise last month...folks so into becoming hindu they legally
changed there name. we're not talking that kind of stuff.
[ ]
and this is "just folk's". i admit i found it very difficult
to remember each person's name. actually try impossible so
yes, ronnie, a bit of a source of confusion, but i join my
vote for the crowd who say "Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin"...
...maybe this could be a separate discussion thread. or
just do it. have it be over. and again i surely have
mixed more word in here that were needed. auugghhh!
(3) discussion on the playing of Banshiki. it actually went
very nicely. tibetan guy that played the long Horn said
"Beautiful" when we went inside. positive feedback from
several sources, direct and indirect. but maybe here just
discussing...or do we keep that as transmission from our
teacher? so much we could talk about...
chatter chatter chatter...
lemma scan the pictures, start doing show-and-tell a.k.a
'share and share alike'
, bill
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