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: Mon Feb 03 2003 - 09:09:51 PST
I used Rhino to make a virtual mouthpiece for PVC bass panpipes, which
you can see on
<a href="http://www.ii4i.net/altinst.htm" eudora="autourl">www.ii4i.net/altinst.htm</a>.
You can use .stl files to get all sorts of shapes made, cheaper and
cheaper these days. I could have a go if anybody wants to put money up.
;^)= Paul<br>
try out intuitive instruments for improvisers on
<a href="http://www.ii4i.net/" eudora="autourl">www.ii4i.net</a><br>
hear my compositions on
<a href="http://members.sibeliusmusic.com/paulhirsh">http://members.sibeliusmusic.com/paulhirsh