Xenakis work, Nyuyo

From: Bruce Jones (bjones@weber.ucsd.edu)
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 16:50:11 PDT

I retrieved the copy of Xenakis work, Nyuyo, from the UCSD library
and scanned the title page, the 1st, 8th and 9th pages of the notation.

These are now online at:


While the title page says that this is a work for shakuhachi, sangen
and two kotos, it looks more like a work for two kotos and sangen
with some shakuachi accompanyment at times. The shakuhachi part is
mostly long-tones and rests. Although there is no shakuhachi "solo"
per se, there are a few places where it looks like the shakuhachi
gets to do some interesting stuff. Pages 8 & 9 are one such

The title page and page 1 are the clearest and smallest (25-30k
each). Pages 8 & 9 are 10x larger (tho still only ~300k) and not
as clear. Sorry, two different scanners. If enough folks make
requests, perhaps I'll rescan pages 8 & 9.




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