Dear all,
I recently came across the following helpful advice:
Dear Tofu Roshi,
I'm desperate. I've been meditating for ten years now, and I still haven't experienced enlightenment. At least I don't think
I have. I went to my family doctor for a complete physical checkup, just to make sure there were no physiological problem.
He says I'm the picture of health, except for my planter's warts, and he doesn't see why they would stand in the way of
Recently I returned from a month-long meditation retreat. I thought by the time it was over I would surely experience the
big E. People were calling out all around me, moaning and exclaiming with transcendent rapture. But I just sat there,
trying not to scratch. Roshi, what if they're all faking? What if it's just a big hype? Should I fake satori, too? Then I'd
get some respect. But luckily for me, I had a religious upbringing, and I know that if I simulated enlightenment, I wouldn't
be cheating anybody but myself.
After the retreat was over, I asked the guy who had been sitting next to me, "Have you had satori?" He replied coolly,
"That's a private matter I prefer not to discuss."
Another time I asked some people in my sangha if they'd be interested in us forming an ongoing support group for pre-satoric
beings, but they looked at me like I was suggesting we start a massage class for people with contagious skin disease.
Oh, Roshi, is there really such a thing as Enlightenment? And if there is, why don't I ever have it?
Dear Virginia,
Yes, Virginia, there is Enlightenment. You will know it when you have it. But let me tell you something in confidence.
People who do experience satori are often disappointed to discover that their lives are just as dreary afterward as before.
"No big deal," as they say. When you are enlightened, you will realize that you already realize that which you will realize
when you are enlightened.
Tofu Roshi.
I hope it clarifies things.
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