Gene, at the risk of being once-again too outspoken for my own
political good, I would avoid smoked bamboo unless you like the smoky
smell. Originally, smoked bamboo was prized because it was bamboo that
had been saturated with smoke over many years by being hung over the
hearth--this apparently improved the tonal characteristics. Modern
smoked bamboo has only been smoked on the surface and perhaps a bit
into the bamboo, so it's about the same sound-wise and it does have, to
my nose, an offensive smell.
For Gene or any others interested I know of someone here with a large
stock of madake at around $100 a piece, but that doesn't include
--- Gene <> wrote:
> Hi guys -
> I'm a brand new dumb-but-infinitely-enthusiastic shakuhachi player,
> teaching myself for the moment, on my Japanese PVC 1.8'.
> I've satisfactorily made two 1.8' PVC shakuhachi, one 2.0 "C"
> shakuhachi, one "A" Alto transverse PVC flute, and a mammoth bass 3'
> 1" x 1" id PVC hochiku in the key of low "F", one step lower than the
> huge Ni Shaku Ha Sun 2.8' in "G".
> But now I also want to make a real madake root shakuhachi, either a
> Ni Shaku 2.0' "C" or, more likely a Ni Shaku Yon Sun 2.4' "A". And I
> am a superlative hand craftsman, as witness my site at
> But next I've got to acquire the bamboo.
> Can anyone tell me anything about the ibushi "Smoked" madake root
> bamboo available in Japan? Would I want to use it for my shakuhachi?
> At $219 a chunk, it's not exactly disposable.
> Thank you very much!
> Dr. Gene Neill
> Mayo, Florida
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