Greetings everyone,
I'm sure that the list have had its fill with this topic, but I would be
alot more at peace if I contributed to all that have voiced their opinions
on this issue.
I had unsubscribed from the list in early Nov. after being the brunt on one
of Gene's attacks when I disagreed with him about a claim he had made. I
publicly disagreed with him in hopes that those who may not have had
experiences on the issue may hear the other side of the story. I was quite
shocked by his response and his subsequent lectures on zen.
The list was just coming off of the "mystics vs. plumbers" situation so I
thought that any reply may have fueled him on and cause another string of
nastiness to transpire. It took alot of discipline for me to hold back (the
zen lecture really gnawed at me). Since it never sat right with me, I choose
to unsubscribe from the list instead. Once a month, I would check in on the
topics in the archives. Imagine my surprise when I followed what had
recently transpired!
I realize that ideally, we would all go back to being one big happy
shakuhachi family - forgive, live, learn...and play tsu dai
Some have mentioned that there's enough pain in the world, so why contribute
to it? I totally agree - which is why I originally unsubscribe when I
recieved my "Gene" email. I really didn't need this - especially on a topic
so close to my heart.
Some say that it's just words - no one was hurt. Call me overly sensitive
but I believe words can be far more destructive at times.
Some say "Just ignore it." I would ask, "Have you been at the brunt of one
of his emails?"
We're trying to preserve a community here. From my perspective, a bully had
finally crossed over the line with the community. As others have testified,
this is not an isolated incident. The fact that he's 73 should tell you that
he's not going to change anytime soon.
My first question for you is: How many others have left the community from
his acerbic tendencies? I know I'm not the only one that did. And now that
I'm back on, I hope others may come across the archives and realize that
we're not usually like this.
My last question for you is: Is this just someone being "inappropriate"? Or
is it more fundamental than that? Personally, I think Gene's brand of verbal
viciousness has been consitent enough that it is likely a part of his
personality - how he interacts with the world.
I think that Gene really needs to take a break and re-examine how he
interacts with society and behaves in a community - and maybe ask himself
why so much anger naturally flows out from within (or so I perceive).
Perhaps this is his oppurtunity.
--- Gene, if you're reading this, please know that I have nothing personally against you and I hope that something good comes out of this for you (and for us all)._________________________________________________________________ Let the new MSN Premium Internet Software make the most of your high-speed experience.
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