[Shaku] 2.1 and 2.0 question - popularity & usage

From: Tsunhin John Wong (thjwong@hkusua.hku.hk)
Date: Mon Feb 16 2004 - 22:31:12 PST

Dear all,

        Does anyone in the community know the common usage of the 2.0
flute and the 2.1 flute? and will certain school (Kinko or Tozan or
Meian... etc) play more 2.0 than 2.1 or vice versa?
        I just know than the most common length are 1.8 then 1.6 then 2.4,
but some of my friends told me that 1.3 & 2.1 are the next most common
while some other told me is 2.0 ... I hope to learn more from you guys
through discussion on this!
        Thank you very much!



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