Re: [Shaku] Embouchure, sound, exercise

From: Philip Gelb (
Date: Fri May 13 2005 - 16:24:52 PDT

This has left me very skeptical towards the technical approach towards
>development. There was no single tip that made be sound better, I am just
>blowing and blowing and blowing all the while wishing for a better sound,
>and, eventually, I began to sound better...

If you are practicing with correct technique, then yes indeed, you will get better and better. If you practice with many bad habits, you will become very good at recreating these bad habits such as vocalizing sounds, gripping the flute too tightly or other things that inhibit a good sound.

Certainly, one should have the sound in their head before it comes out of the flute. Thus you are projecting your sound as if you are singing, yet using the flute as the vehichle. But to develop the technique to be able to do so, well, that requires very careful attention to a lot of very specific details. Your teacher should be able to help you with those.

It is a long, slow and hopefully fun process.

i am heading back to the kitchen, now.


Philip Gelb
shakuhachi player, teacher
Vegetarian, Vegan Personal chef

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