Re: [Shaku] RE: dokyoku pitches- Koga Sensei's ideas re tuning

From: Justin . (
Date: Thu Oct 06 2005 - 15:46:58 PDT

> In any case, I was thinking more of Watazumido and
> of Tanaguchi

Who is Tanaguchi?


> on pg 125 Koga has a diagram for the bottom honkyoku
> "tetrachord" which
> seems to give
> ro as 0 cents
> tsu no meri as 56 cents

That's very low!

> tsu as 238 cents

For the pieces I mentioned I have these values
Otsu: 325 x 281 264 x 281
Kan: x x 286 279 x x

Most of these figures are a bit sketchy, but, together
they tell us the trend. I was concerned though whether
all except the first were played on the same
shakuhachi. So I started analysing a piece definately
on a different shakuhachi - that was when the program
died! But if these preliminart results are anything to
go by it does indicate a tsu lower than 12ET at least,
even if higher than 238.

> (!!!This is a wide major second above Ro... I would
> think 266-294, a narrow
> minor 3rd, would be more likely but this is what the
> diagram seems to show)
> re as 498 cents (Perfect 4th)

I have
otsu: 523 511 497 500 511 491
kan: x 520 501 517 514 515

Interesting to know that others are also into this.
Yes, I wonder what he says now. Let me know if you

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