Thank you everybody, who has come with suggestions on my question regarding
x-raying shakuhachi.
Here some answers to joel Taylor's mail:
>There is some laser technology that is well developed for measuring tiny
>variations and flaws in pipes.
>See, for example:
>This technology, which is used to look for difficult to find flaws in high
>precision metal surfaces, would give you very exacting measurements of all
>aspects of the bore, much more refined than you would get from looking at
I will look into this. Thank you!
>It seems to me that it would be worthwhile to make very fine measurements
>a number of jinashi bores using such methods, and then use an audio
>spectrometer to make very accurate frequency maps of each note,
I have already done the audio part! It surely is just as important!
>in this way
>you might be able to come up with some "rules" for jinashi makers,
>you're probably aware, the mathematics of bores that are not simple
>mathematical shapes is daunting.
I am not doing this to find 'rules' for shakuhachi makers and my results are
not aimed for construction of new ji-nashi shakuhachi. I am very happy with
the ones I made myself, and the ones Murai and Kodama made.
I am doing some research into the development of shakuhachi making. I am
just trying to show how different the ji-nashi shakuhachi today are in
comparison with the Edo period and 19th Century to early 20th Century
shakuhachi are. I am doing a PhD at the School of Oriental and African
Studies (SOAS), University of London. From next year I will be jointly
supervised by SOAS and the Royal Academy of Music. My PhD is on playing
contemporary music on ji-nahi shakuhachi. I am doing half performance and
half research. I am very excited about it myself!
A colleague a year ahead of me is doing research into women in shakuhachi,
so we are a little shakuhachi research team at SOAS where we will have the
first pan-European shakuhachi summer school in July.
I hope 2006 will be wonderful for you all!
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