Re: [Shaku] Re: Concert quality?

From: Justin . <>
Date: Tue Nov 13 2007 - 07:05:05 PST

Hello David
Hertz is a measure of frequency. Frequency itself has
existed since quite a while before 1930 of course
(some say about 13.7 billion years). We can find what
pitch people used from things such as old pitch pipes,
pitch forks, pipe organs etc. Handel's pitch is known
from a pitch fork, Bach's from several organs.

--- david kotlowy <> wrote:

I hope I'm not heading too off-topic, but this is an
interesting can of worms...

The hertz (symbol: Hz), the International System of
Units (SI) base unit of frequency, was established in
1930. One hertz means one cycle per second.

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was the German physicist for
whom the hertz is named. He was born on February 22,
1857 and died January 1, 1894.

George Frideric Handel lived from 1685 to 1759;=20
Johann Sebastian Bach, from 1685 to 1750. How could
Handel have used 422.5, Bach 480 when they lived more
than 100 years before Hertz?=20


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