Hello All,
We just received this at www.shakuhachiforum.com from Phil's wife
Lara. She asked to spread the information, particularly to Phil's
students, so they know plans will have been changed. Let's all help
out if we can.
Dear Shakuhachi folks --
This is Phil James' wife, Lara Schneider writing this message. I know
he would want you all to spread this word as I just don't know quite
how to reach individual people so decided to go this route.
We have been on a trip in Arizona trying to get a little R & R before
our upcoming babies birth -- which is due on April 4th. I have some
sad news. Phil has suffered from a stroke. We are in the intensive
care unit in Phoenix, Arizona at the Mayo Clinic. He has been in
intensive care for about 2 days. Luckily I was able to get him a
helicopter ride here which has a good neurological department.
Everything is completely up in the air for him and how his recovery
will be. He has had an ischemic stroke, and possibly a type called a
diversion (which is mechanical). It is somewhere probably on the mid-
range of intensity (but unkown).
His left side of his brain is where the stroke happened -- but the
right side of his brain has been compensating a lot. They suspect
that music and art have helped this side be so developed -- yeah for
Anyhow, I am in trauma mode and any help that you all can offer to
him, us, our family would be amazingly appreciated. At this point
spreading the word is most critical as I don't want his entire
shakuchachi career -- students to be left in a lurch. Please spread
the word to his shakuhachi dojo in Portland, Boston and anyone that
may be going to the upcoming Montreal workshop or of course his
friends in the shakuhachi community.
If you have questions please email me:
Lara Schneider
I can't be sure I'll write back immediately but will try. I plan to
design a blog to keep anyone updated in a more general way if they're
interested. Please email me if you'd like to follow the blog.
Please send us metta.
Lara Schneider (Phil's wife)

Curator MONA FOMA www.mofo.net.au/
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