Tozan Titles and Catalog Numbers
Most of the lists below were provided by Tom Deaver and Ron Nelson. While there may be inconsistencies and ambiguities in this list, (what would the shakuhachi world be without inconsistency and ambiguity?), it represents what they have been able to discern and translate from the Tozan world to English.The title translations are by Jonathan Crick. Jon notes that these translations do not come from familiarity with the piece, rather from work with a dictionary. As such, they may be partially to completely wrong. We all welcome Corrections, additions, ammendations to the list. Please send them to Bruce Jones
Numbers Type 1-53 Honkyoku Number 85 What's this? 502-535 Modern Tozan Pieces 1001-1146 Traditional Sankyoku 2001-2299 Shinkyoku 5000+ Contemporary Pieces Un-numbered Nagauta Un-numbered A collection of old Sankyoku