Re: History of Poor Man's Arpanet

Thomas R. Truscott (
Fri, 22 Jan 93 11:09:46 -0500

I suppose this is petty, but I don't like the "Poor Man's Arpanet" phrase
anymore. It was not in the original announcement, but was later added
(by me I'm afraid) for the Delaware announcement.
Poor man's X may have been fashionable then, but today
it is not even politicially correct.
"Open Arpanet", that has a nice ring to it :-)

As for CSnet, it didn't exist when Usenet started
(I don't know which was thought up first however).
Also, CSnet was not bulletin-board oriented.
I am not sure if CSnet had mailing lists anything like ARPAnet.

The big deal with Usenet/Arpanet was that Arpanet mailing lists
were poured into Usenet. At first it was a one way.
It had a big effect on Usenet volume, if nothing else!
(My history of this is weak, perhaps Bruce Jones archives have good stuff.)

Technically, Usenet probably has more in common with FidoNet.

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