Re Hans's message -a public reply and comment &Welcome too!!

From: Graham Ranft (
Date: Sat Aug 23 1997 - 21:03:43 PDT

From: Hans <>
Subject: New Member
Reply from: Graham Ranft

>>Hi ALL - I am posting my reply to an edited message from Hans to the list
as I think this will apply or be relevant to other flute/shakuhachi players.
I would be interested in comments on my comments.

Hi, you all,
I'm Hans, a flute teacher from Belgium...

>>Hi Hans-also a flute teacher player!

I also manage a website for flutists, you might want to visit it some time,
you'll find some shakuhachi links as well.

>> Yes I will! Thanks!

And yes, we are absolute beginners, so forgive me if I ask stupid questions.

>> Me too!! Yes I also ask stupid questions-you are in good company!

Since all of you are probably better than me...

>> NOT SO!!

...Mainly breathing exercises and easy pieces to get used to the notation and
note-range of the instrument.

>> I'm doing just that too!! I would be interested in your breathing exercises.
>> Anyone using Chikuho Ryu notation??

I still get dizzy when playing which makes me practise in 2 half hour shunks.

>> I have this problem but not as badly. Do about the same ammount.

Also I manage about 30 seconds of flute playing, but only some 15 seconds on
the shakuhachi. I hope time helps here.

>>I think this is a function of embouchurehole size (of lips)
>> Yes. How do you cope with your embouchure? I find I cannot play the flute
>>untill some time later. the embouchure for shakuhachi seems to be (feel) quite
>>different from flute!

Also, another thing struck me. When beginners play the flute, they encounter
a virtual barrier when they reach the middle G and A. I get the same feeling
with the shakuhachi. I catch myself playing more stressed when playing the
higher kan register from re on.

>> Yes. Think this is a mind problem. I am practising starting at the top as
well bottom when doing long note practise.

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