7 hole shakuhachi

From: Tots Tolentino (tots@quickweb.com.ph)
Date: Mon Nov 05 2001 - 18:33:45 PST

HI list,
Just ordered a 7 hole shak. I am curious as to the history
of the 7 hole. Most of the sites I see talk about the
shakuhachi in general and not much mention of the 7 hole. I
take it then that this is a modern development? Aside from
the fingerings, is the sound different? I also have not seen
any recordings with the 7 hole specified. I'd appreciate any
insights. Thanks in advance.

Tots Tolentino

All of the music is out there in the first place, all of
it. From the beginning of time the music was there. All
you have to do is try to get a little piece of it. I
don't care how great you are, you only get a little piece
of it."
 - Dizzy Gillespie, conversation with Nat Hentoff, 1983

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