RE: [Shaku] RE: Pitch - psychoacoustics

From: Dan Gutwein (
Date: Wed Oct 12 2005 - 15:11:05 PDT


You're correct, 100 cents grows depending on register. The cps width of =
cents between middle-C and middle-C# is (261.626 cps) to (277.183), but =
cps width of 100 cents between B above middle C and the 1/2 step above =
(C-octave above) is 493.883 to 523.251.

The other issue has to do with how often you sample the fundamental
frequency of a live-performed pitch. I don't have time, but in Csound I =
sample a fundamental at a granularity of 400cps. When one does that, =
finds that live performed pitches vary in pitch (up/down as much as 20
cents) even within the span of one second - especially in performance
traditions that incorporate vibrato and timbre changes - and this is =
where I
question the validity of the test that produce statements like "tests =
that people can ID pitch-relations within a 5 cent tolerance." It seems =
me that in cases like that, those who are testing the responders must =
be taking them at their word.=20

  Dan Gutwein
 Instructional Multimedia Specialist
 HR / Center for Professional & Organizational Development
 Office of Information Technology Building
 OITB, N3 (240) 314-3159


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