This is true. I was working regularly at a recording studio that had
three mange infested cats. Of course I developed an allergy that has
never gone away. On the other hand I used to swell up as if hit by
napalm after eating mussels and oysters and now I eat them with
impunity. Allergies come and go.
On Jul 11, 2007, at 12:34 PM, Karl Young wrote:
> Re. first occurrence of a reaction after so many years, someone
> with more medical knowledge than I can probably explain this much
> more clearly, but it's my understanding that that is very common
> re. allergic reactions. Apparently there is a threshold phenomenon
> at work in that once you reach the threshold of exposure you begin
> to have the reaction. That was certainly the case for me with hay
> fever; I never had it until I was in my late 20's but since then
> occasionally have pretty sever occurrences. But it's always a drag
> to hear about cases involving allergic reactions to something one
> is intimately involved in, e.g. shakuhachi/urushi; hang in there
> Kiku; now you're contributions can be considered truly heroic !
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Received on Wed Jul 11 16:19 PDT 2007
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