Re: Material/Sound

From: Stav Tapuch (
Date: Mon Feb 04 2002 - 21:58:30 PST

>The best scientists in the world cant find * 90% * of the matter that th=
>think is out there.

It actually gets a lot freaker than that when you delve into advanced=20
physics and string theory. For instance - according to the math behind=20
Einstein's theories, and the most recent findings of string theory, there=
are not just four dimension in the universe, but actually ten dimensions.=
(I am not qualified to explain how this is - there are some great books o=
on string theory explaining this notion if you are interested.) So a lot =
this missing matter is probably out there in places we can't even=20

And intresitngly enough - string theory claims that the very fundamental=20
building blocks of the universe are rings of energy, that form the most=20
basic types of matter, electrons, protons, etc., depending on their=20
vibrations and frequencies. Hence, somone with a poetic conception of=20
physics could claim that in fact the whole universe is composed of music.

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